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Bineskurbisgarten - A Project

Single Male Portrait: Christoph

In photographing my friend Christoph, I thought to stick to clothes he often wears, and just add elements I associate with him. He is often rock-climbing, hikes, caving, and generally in nature. It is only fair that we find a location nearby with water, rocks and add some ropes.

Desi & Pat - Standesamtliche Hochzeit

Herzlichen Glückwunsch an Desi und Pat. Ich hatte die Ehre, ihre standesamtliche Trauung diesen Monat zu fotografieren. 


2023 FunkenFeuer der Eggenstoiner

Nora & Max: Wedding in Heidelberg

2022, January 15th: I had the privilege and the pleasure of photographing the wedding of two beautiful people, Nora and Max. We managed to capture the event and all the fun despite certain COVID 19 restrictions. I loved the fact that families and friends turned out in numbers to witness and support the couple. Oh, and they had a great band! Here are a few shots from the event.

Photoshoot - Website

Earlier in 2021, I had the privilege of photographing the beautiful Gloria to promote her Yoga business and Website. We took some risks waiting out the rain and got rewarded at the end with some beautiful overcast soft lighting around the lake. Here are few of those shots which you can also find on her website or Instagram page.

One of my wife's great aunts was born in 1922. She lived during a very difficult time to be alive (as a woman) in Germany. Like the love of her life, many German men went to war and died there, leaving women like her mismatched in age with the remaining much younger or older men who survived the war. She got herself her own place, was very committed to her church as a catholic, and stayed unmarried. 

She used to invite us over for coffee and cake, and we loved visiting her. It has been a few years since she passed but I found her story to be a representation of many German women from her generation. She was quite economical; she makes things last. The rust reflects the impact of the time upon their lives. The simple technology that carried her through it all. 

This was her bicycle.

The Great Aunt's Bicycle

Single portrait: Franziska

She is not a model. She just wanted to have some nice photos of her taken. What better way than to use the natural scenery and ambient light around Graben-Neudorf. 

Family portraits: Schmidt family

June 2019 - They were having a family reunion and wanted a family-wide shot to print and gift their grandparents. I took these with my humble A6300 but I believe that the occasion made these shots. Certainly, a beautiful family and it was a privilege to be asked to take these.

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